Package transsys :: Module optim :: Class LowerBoundedFunction
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Class LowerBoundedFunction

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            object --+    
TransformationFunction --+

A function asymptoting to a finite lower bound as x -> -Inf and linearly diverging as x -> +Inf.

This implements the function 0.5 * x + sqrt(1.0 + 0.25 * x^2), which approaches 1/x for small x and x for large x. Like arctan, this function approaches its asymptote with O(1/x) and may therefore be favourable over exponential functions. Linear divergence may also be much less prone to extremes than exponential divergence.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, minValue=0.0)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
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__call__(self, x)
Compute the transformed value of x.
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source code
parse_variables(self, f) source code
clip(self, y)
Clip y to the nearest admissible value.
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inverse(self, y)
Compute the inverse value of y.
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Inherited from TransformationFunction: check_savefile_magic, parse

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__

Class Variables [hide private]
  functionName = 'LowerBoundedFunction'
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, minValue=0.0)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

__call__(self, x)
(Call operator)

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Compute the transformed value of x.

Overrides: TransformationFunction.__call__
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

parse_variables(self, f)

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Overrides: TransformationFunction.parse_variables

clip(self, y)

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Clip y to the nearest admissible value.

Overrides: TransformationFunction.clip
(inherited documentation)

inverse(self, y)

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Compute the inverse value of y.

This method should return the untransformed value x corresponding to y, such that f(x) = y.

Overrides: TransformationFunction.inverse
(inherited documentation)